SCU•Presents Community: Bringing Amazing Arts to Everyone

The arts matter.

They inspire us. They change lives and they make a difference in our community. We need your help to keep the arts vibrant, alive, and uplifting our community.

You can make a difference in our community with a meaningful gift to SCU•Presents. A gift at any level can make a difference — in fact, a $40 gift could pay for a student to attend performances and experience the power and magic of the arts. We invite you to join our community and make an impact today! Your gift helps to make our community even better.

Art. Justice. Action.

Santa Clara University's SCU•Presents Arts for Social Justice Program Recognized Nationally with NEA Grant Matching Grant Requires Community Support.

Arts for Social Justice (ASJ) is a collaborative, interdisciplinary initiative whose mission is to raise awareness about critical issues addressing the human condition, through the creation and participation in a wide variety of art forms, both on and off campus, which foster dialogue and action in the community.

Become a part of our community today!

  • President's Circle ($1000+)

    Your donation supports programming such as The Creative Project, which takes the Arts into our most underserved neighborhoods in our community.

  • Benefactor ($500-$999)

    Supports the presentation of Visiting Artists like Matthew Works, an unhoused artist who speaks out about poverty and homelessness.

  • Associate ($300-$499)

    Supports partnerships with SCU students and employees for the creation of visual and performing arts projects which shed a light on critical issues ranging from bullying to immigration.

  • Sponsor ($100-$299)

    Supports our local high schools by offering reduced or complimentary tickets to teachers and students.

  • Donor ($50-$99)

    Supports Multi-cultural arts program and partnerships, which allows SCU•Presents to bring productions like Color Struck, about racism in America, to Santa Clara University.

  • Friend ($1-$49)

    Supports our commitment to keeping ticket prices affordable to everyone in our community.

Donate via check

Please make it out to: SCU Presents
Mail to: SCU Presents, 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053

Thank you to our generous donors!

President’s Circle
Melanie Brace • J. Gerald & Mona Clements


Charles Barkis • Mona-Lisa Blouin • Puja Bohacek • Debra Demartini • Chris Esteban • Claire Hawley • Theresa Ruby-Percell • John Lewis • Pamela Allston Madden • Craig Nairn • Lawrence Nelson • Laurie Poe • Hudson Washburn • Lizabeth Yee • Barbara Murray


Andre Abrahamians • Jayne Booker • Phyllis Brown • Patricia Cain • Barbara Colyar • Leana Dalton • Ann Digioia Krys • Frank Farris • Judy Foot • Tuyet Giles • Esther Goes • Claire Hawley • Julie Henriques • Keith Inouye • Lauren John • Janet Kleinhofer • Ann Krys • Bette Linderman • Maria Longsworth • Ian McCamey • Tully Moxness • Susanne Mulcahy • Darryl Noda • Charles Noya • Jeff And Penny Osorio • Katie Peuvrelle • Henry & Catherine Ricardo • Anna Rutter • Anthony Sampson • Dianne Stauffer • Nick Steiner • Leslie Stobbe • Jill Stolarik • Barbara Wadors


Chase Abrams • Beverly Acuna • Molly Aufdermauer • Robert Baines • Judy Boccignone • Alina Borchardt • Lisa Bowden • Christella Burton • Greg Callaghan • Patricia Cargnoni • Karen Carter • Loyace Clegg • Jennifer Couture • Patricia Curia • Sharon Dahnert • Sandra De Alcuaz • Henry Dearborn • Michael Digioia • Jack Dubin • Eric Eklund • Lottie Esteban • Seiko Fujii • Ellyn Gaich • Gregory Galati • Bonnie George • Catherine Giberson • Susan Griffin • Djuwita Harjadi • Claire Hawley • Diane Heerwagen • Judy Hodkiewicz • Viki Inouye • Patricia Irwin • Wendy Jolles • Tracey Kahan • Wayne Kamiya • Joey Kipp • Dave Land • Laura Lenza • Bruce Lescher • Bette Linderman • Maureen Locke • Ted Lorraine • Hannah Luscher • James Mar • Kathy Mattingly • Mike Metcalf • Carl Miya • Joanne Miyahara • Lan Nguyen • Ronald Ogi • Lorette Pirio • Marianne Poblenz • Jenn Poret • Katherine Sampson • William Santos • Pam Saunders • Cindie Simms • Tobie Smith • Anne Marie Starr • Julia Sullivan • Weston Tierney • Richard Upton • Betty Verhoeven • Tamara Welsh • Kimber Wood • Jane Wu • Erica Yee • Barbara Zinicola

Arts for Social Justice Donors

President’s Circle
Esther Rechenmacher


Katherine Mattingly • Melinda & Stephen Scherr


Kristen Brown • Derrick & Tricia Carpenter • Andrew Chai • William & Kris Coyne • Rebecca Cushman • Ken & Judy Foot • Barbara Murray • Dante Nomellini, Jr • Hyman Yip • Manju Kumar


Andre Abrahamians • Katherine Almazol • Dawn Burton • Patricia Cain • Lucy Hsu • Erica Mikesh • Alicia Ortiz • Patti Simone • Patricia Tennant • Richard Upton • Juley Yakominich • Jason Yee


Nicole Banks • Julie Garcia • Anupam Goyal • Barbara Green-Ajufo • Freya Helton • Sandra Howard • Donna Johns • Ashley Lucas • Roslyn Lyons • Ruth Mikusko • Mary Miller • Barbara Murray • Lan Nguyen • Marianne Poblenz • Jenn Poret • Lisa Reyes • Tara Steele • Norma Welles • J Wentworth • Jillian Yakominich